Friday 16 November 2012

Scream cause i know what you did last friday the 13th

"It's halloween, everyone's entitled to one good scare" - Halloween (1978)

Most people will tell you that slasher films, horror movies, or scary movies are all just excuses for blood guts gore and nudity, that they can't teach you anything of use, well to these people i tell you, your sooooooo wrong.

Let me tell you what these movies have taught me, 1. NEVER EVER under ANY circumstances investigate a noise if your alone in the house, my advice on this is to go to the pub for 3 days THEN return home. 2. Do not and i mean DO NOT own a house with a chequred past, especially if it is an old house, new houses are generally safe, unless they've been built on some acient burial ground. 3. Within these house DO NOT have a basement or and attic, if you do i highly recommended boarding them up or just burn the house to the ground and save your self some trouble!! 4.If your going to camp, well DON'T like honestly just DON'T hasn't Jason taught us ANYTHING i mean really !!! also STAY away from ABANDONED camps cause you KNOW they where abandoned for a reason and that reason is 9 times out of 10 NOT A GOOD ONE !!! 5.If you are going to break all these rules and go away to camp or buy and old creepy house or live on a house built on an accient burial ground then for the LOVE OF GOD would you please supply yourself with endless weapons, and STOP running up stairs, in fact just go with number 1 and head to the pub for 3 days !!!!!

Anyway enough of my lecturing !! i just wanted to dedicate and entry on here to all things SLASHER !! yes you heard right, this is my ultimate genre !!! the blood the guts the gore !!! yes i am a girl, and yes i do ocasionally watch girl movies but seriously 5 seconds into Milo and Otis i ball my eyes out like a bitch, can you IMAGINE what im like with girly movies 90% of them are just depressing cause your life is never going to be like that.

So this is what i love about a good slasher flick (and even some of the bad ones) your to damn shit scared half the time to cry !! and the other half your yelling at your tv for the damn girl to stop running upstairs and make a beeline for the EXIT !! not to mention there is some SERIOUS eye candy in a slasher flick, not just of the female varity either (though i can say i do apprechiate that too) i guess it can stem from the whole princess damnsel in distress save me kind thing we grow up with, but in all honestly i know if i were in a horror/slasher flick i'm sure to kick some SERIOUS butt and go to the pub for 3 days !!! AND get the hot boy too

But okay in all seriousness, i dont really KNOW why i love scary movies so much, maybe because it IS fun to be scared and not be whimpering like a little baby, i think is someway we are all obsessed with our own immortality. The thrill of watching Halloween or Friday the 13th in that the old movie are not that scary to this generation but you can imagine back in the late 70's early 80's these movies would have been scarying the pants off of teenagers around the world.

My Ultimate fave would have to be The friday the 13th movies, from the orginal from 1980 to the remake in 2009 and all the good bad and the ugly inbetween, there is something about Jason that isnt so much scary as it is to the point the dude is just freaking creepy, and come on how many of us have been away at camp or gone camping at some point in our lives and not thought "shit what would happen if some axe weilding maniac started chopping everyone to bits while i'm out here in the middle of the woods" of course this hasn't really ever happened for real that i know of, but thats what makes it so much fun to watch Friday it makes you sit there and think., What if??

The slasher genre is a fairly over looked genre and while it had a pretty good run when Halloween started in 1978 right through to Friday the 13th and nightmare on elm street, in the late 80's and early 90's it didn't fair so well, though people still made slasher movies in this time, most of them never really made it to theatre realse and alot of actually good late 80's early 90's slasher flicks that were straight to DVD are some of the best slasher flicks floating around (if you exclude Halloween and Friday of course)

The bases of a slasher flick, is the whole stalk and slash, a killer generally hidden behind a mask or some form of 'costume' stalks a bunch of teenagers and kills them all off one by one till you get to the last girl/boy or both and they fight to the death generally stopping the killer in his tracks at this point, because the formula for a slasher flick is so simple its an easy movie to make, but it isn't always the best either, some people are just so basic with the formula its like watching paint dry at times, but others have pushed the boundries and made some really good movies.

Even thou the genre was so very lacklustre for awhile, in 1996 the realse of scream saw the genre get a new reboot of life for a whole new generation, and it's like in the 2011 scream 4 when one of the character states "there just something scary about a guy with a knife who just snaps" which is so true because with Scream it wasn't about being an immortal killer like Jason or Micheal, it was about a real life human being behind a mask who has literally flipped their wig and gone crazy !!!

Now days, the genre consists mainly of remakes and reboots and rebirths of old movies, in the last couple of years we've seen Friday the 13th, Halloween and nightmare on elm street go through this, and its not all that bad i like seeing this done because i feel like a whole new generation gets to see these movies, and that maybe once they see the remake they will go back and watch the orginals and maybe love it just as much as i do !! i do actually like the Friday the 13th remake (i orginally only watched it because Jared Padalecki from Supernatural was in it) and suprisingly enough it was still good, even thou in the orginal FIRST friday Pamela was the orginal killer not Jason, and i sort of liked the remake of Nightmare on elm street (again only watched it for my girl crush Katie Cassidy was in it) it was a little lack lustre for me, kind slow had the basic story right but i dunno, i guess if you know and watch the orginals like i do, your always going to be critical of the remake.

There is one remake of a classic that i actually love more the the orginal, and that is black Xmas, the orginal was made in 1974, and now whilst to someone like me it was not by any means blood guts and gore scary it was actually a well done movie that im sure would've scared the crap out of people back then, for me i loved the remake that was done in 2006 and i only just recently discovered it probably about 6 months ago i stumbled across it in the video store, and hired it and absolutly LOVED it, its up there with the orginal Friday and Halloween for me !!!!

I guess it helped that my girl crush was also in black xmas, but it actually boast a popular cast of names and faces which for me is sometimes the ONLY draw card for a movie, i guess maybe because of my girly crush (plus she was the final girl) makes me a little biased rose covered glasses in my opinion, but hell take the My bloody Valetines remake, again the draw card for me was my ULTIMATE crush Jenson Ackles, but this remake of a movie was AWFUL i just did not like it, most of the acting was shit and even Jenson himself seemed a little off with this one, so its not ALWAYS a biased opnion becuase of the actors in the movie, and My Bloody Valentine wasnt all THAT BAD!!!

But there really was just something about Black Xmas that i truly loved !!! those creepy ass phone calls the killer makes where the pivotal point in the orginal movie and freaking actually scary as hell, and bring that over into the remake with alot of blood guts and gore and eyeballs being ripped out just doubles the affect of how creepy and scary a movie it can be!!

I could probably go on for DAYs about slasher flicks and all my favourites and what i like and dont like about them, there is soooooo much about them i love and very little i hate. but i'm sure you will hear about it all over and over again in my many reviews that i will be doing, so i will leave you with a list of my top 10 slasher flicks and for you too all look out for my reviews that i will give each and every one of them...


10. Scream 4 (2011)

9. Prom Night (1980)

8. Friday The 13th (2009)

7. Childs Play (1988)

6.Halloween (1978)

5.Nightmare on Elm street (1984)

4. Cherry Falls (2000)

3. Scream (1996)

2. Friday the 13th (1980)

1. Black Xmas (2006)

Heather Lee: I'm really not okay with any of this. I mean, buying a Christmas present for a serial killer?
Melissa Kitt: No. You see, serial killers murder repeatedly for sexual thrill. Billy Lenz was a spree killer - dude just fucking lost it.

(P.S i had to put this picture in because i mean COME ON who wouldn't want this coming

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